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  • Writer's pictureRobert Schuerger II

Average Chiropractic Care Car Accident Settlement | TN

Chiropractic care is a part of many personal injury cases. It's essential when victims sustain soft tissue injuries or neck wounds in car accidents.

Plaintiffs often seek therapy to address these issues. Such treatments relieve pain and boost recovery. As part of the overall medical treatment plan, chiropractic care can impact settlement negotiations in personal injury cases.

Determining the average car accident settlement is complex and depends on various factors. Victims often consult an automobile accident attorney in Nashville to increase their chances of a fair settlement.

These legal professionals specialize in car accident claims. They can advocate for their clients in negotiations with insurance companies. A skilled attorney empowers victims to present a solid personal injury claim. Such experts consider all relevant aspects, including chiropractic care. They also have information on an average physical therapy car accident settlement TN.

What Is the Average Car Accident Settlement Amount in Tennessee?

What Is the Average Car Accident Settlement Amount in Tennessee?

Neck trauma is common in car accidents. They often result from sudden stops or impacts. Victims experiencing a whiplash injury may wonder about the average settlement for such cases. On average, a neck injury settlement can range from $300,000 and upward. This figure considers the medical treatment required, the duration of recovery, and the long-term impact on the patient's life.

It's also not uncommon for settlements to reach $600,000 or more, depending on the circumstances surrounding the car crash. Still, it's essential to emphasize that motor vehicle accidents are unique, and personal injury settlement amounts can vary widely.

How the Insurance Company Determines Average Settlement Amounts

Insurance companies pay out minimal personal injury settlement amounts in most scenarios. By being aware of how insurers assess various factors, victims can approach the negotiation process with a realistic expectation of what they deserve.

Medical Expenses

One of the main factors insurance companies consider is the total cost of medical treatment. This includes hospital stays, medications, surgeries, rehabilitation, and ongoing care expenses.


The nature and severity of injuries sustained in the car accident impact the average settlement amount. Severe injuries that result in long-term consequences generally lead to higher compensation.

Insurance adjusters thoroughly review medical records and consult with healthcare professionals to assess the extent of the injuries and their implications. A personal injury lawyer can help clients find witnesses to attest to the car accident victim's injuries and property damage. They can also answer questions like what does at-fault mean in car accident law?

Pain and Suffering

Beyond tangible expenses, insurance companies also consider the intangible costs associated with pain and suffering.

This includes physical pain, emotional distress, and the overall impact of the injuries on the victim's quality of life. Mental turmoil can also include anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Assigning a monetary value to these non-economic damages is a complicated process. However, car accident victims deserve compensation for such losses.

Attorneys specializing in car accident cases can negotiate with the insurance company and ensure it does not cut down on the average settlement amount.

Lost Wages

Car accident settlements also include lost income. This injury settlement is for victims who cannot work due to their wounds. The insurance company evaluates the duration of time away from work, the victim's income level, and the potential long-term impact on their earning capacity.

At the same time, the insurer might also reconsider the total amount spent on medical bills and property damage.

Fault Percentage

In states that follow a comparative fault system, the percentage of fault attributed to each party involved in the auto accident plays a vital role.

The insurance agency determines the degree of responsibility for the personal injury case and adjusts the settlement accordingly. In this event, if the victim is found partially at fault, their final settlement may be reduced proportionally.

What Does a "Settlement Offer" Mean?

A settlement offer is a proposal from the party responsible for the injury. The at-fault drivers' insurance agency often promotes the offer to the car accident victim. It represents an attempt to resolve the matter without a lengthy court process. Essentially, the other party presents this monetary amount as compensation for the victim's damages.

Compensation Amount

The main element of an auto accident settlement offer is the proposed amount of compensation. Insurers determine this figure based on various factors, such as:

  • Medical expenses

  • Property damage

  • Future lost wages

  • Serious injuries

  • Chronic pain and suffering

The offer may include acknowledging liability, indicating the extent to which the responsible party admits fault. Accepting a settlement offer involves waiving the right to pursue further legal action against the responsible party regarding the incident.

Release of Claims

In exchange for the agreed-upon compensation, the victim must typically sign a release of claims. This legal document confirms that the plaintiff will not pursue any additional claims related to the accident against the responsible party.

What to Consider Before Accepting a Settlement Offer

While a settlement proposal can provide a swift resolution to a case, victims should carefully evaluate the terms before acceptance. Key considerations include:

Full Compensation

Plaintiffs must ensure the offered amount fully covers all damages. This should include past and future medical bills, lost wages, and any potential long-term consequences of the injuries. Consultation with a personal injury attorney can be invaluable in assessing the fairness of the offer.

Future Consequences

Victims should consider the long-term impact of the injuries. If there is uncertainty about future medical treatments or complications, it's essential to factor these considerations into the negotiation. Severe wounds, such as spinal cord injuries, should result in a larger settlement offer.

Five Reasons Why It's Advisable to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney in a Car Accident Lawsuit

Car accident lawsuits involve complex legal processes and paperwork. A seasoned lawyer has the expertise to navigate these issues. They can ensure the victim files all necessary documentation correctly and within specified timelines.

1. Damage Assessment

Determining the full extent of damages due to a car accident demands a thorough evaluation. To present a compelling case for fair compensation, a personal injury lawyer can fully assess medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

2. Negotiation with Insurance Companies

Insurance agents are skilled at negotiating settlements that may not fully address the victim's damages. An attorney can negotiate with insurers from a position of legal authority. They can work to secure a more favorable settlement.

Legal procedures can be confusing for people without any knowledge. A lawyer understands the ins and outs of such proceedings. They can ensure their client is well-prepared for court appearances, depositions, and other legal requirements.

3. Contingency Fee Arrangement

Many lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means the client only pays them if the case is successful. This arrangement reduces the financial burden on the victim. It lets them have legal representation without paying hefty fees upfront.

4. Investigation and Evidence Gathering

Building a strong case demands a careful investigation. Both parties also have to gather compelling evidence. Lawyers often work with investigators and experts to collect the necessary proof, strengthening the victim's position in the lawsuit.

5. Statute of Limitations Compliance

Each state has a statute of limitations dictating the time frame for victims to start legal action. Legal representation ensures their client's lawsuit complies with these time constraints, preventing the risk of losing the right to pursue compensation.

The statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including medical malpractice in Tennessee, is one year from the accident date. If a car accident lawsuit goes to trial, having a skilled attorney provides invaluable legal advocacy. Their experience before a judge and jury increases the chances of a favorable outcome.

When Should Victims Accept Settlement Offers?

When Should Victims Accept Settlement Offers?

Seeking input from medical professionals is crucial in assessing injuries' current and future impact. Healthcare providers can offer insights into the necessary treatments, potential recovery timelines, and overall prognosis. This can help victims make informed decisions.

Before accepting any offer, plaintiffs should thoroughly review the settlement terms. As mentioned above, this includes understanding legal implications, such as releasing claims and ensuring the offered amount addresses all current and future damages.

Victims can benefit from comparing the settlement offer with similar cases and their outcomes. This provides context and helps assess whether the proposed compensation aligns with the specific circumstances of the accident.

Anyone facing financial challenges due to the accident's aftermath may accept a settlement offer quickly. Regardless, they must address immediate needs and ensure fair compensation for long-term consequences.

When deciding on a settlement offer, plaintiffs should focus on their physical and emotional well-being. They must consider offers that promote financial stability and support recovery.

Final Words

Chiropractic treatment, often a crucial element in recovery, extends beyond immediate relief. There is no specific average settlement amount for car accidents in Tennessee. Still, lawyers can help victims increase their chances of recovering compensation.

Insurance agencies can include physical therapy expenses in the settlement amount if they are reasonable and necessary for the victim's recovery. As a result, plaintiffs should always keep records of their treatments, medical bills, and other related costs. This documentation can play a key role when negotiating a settlement.

Tennessee follows a "comparative fault" system. If the victim shares some responsibility for the accident, it could impact their payment. The lawyers from Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can provide guidance based on their client's specific situation. Stating, "We Go to War for You," they can help victims navigate tricky legal waters.

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